Wednesday, 10 June 2015

MS Word and the Drama of the Last Page of a Template

Nothing nastier, when it comes to editing your text, than having to face the LAST PAGE DRAMA.

There you are, with your beautiful template, a wonderful image on the cover and all. 

Now, there is a last unwanted page and it will not leave your document: You will try all you think is logical, so say you will go to the last page and press the back button on the keyboard or go to the page before the last and press the Del button instead. Notwithstanding, NOTHING that your vain imagination can give you will work.

On the daily grind of MS Word, you will try Dr. Google: MS Word, template, last page and delete.

You will then find suggestions that go from using the Page Setup function to using the Go To button but, again, despite what those people say on those websites, NOTHING WILL WORK.

A couple of examples of our vain attempts: Ref. One and Ref. Two.

In case you are identifying yourself with the lines above this paragraph, here you have what will take you out of misery: SIMPLY EDIT THE SAME WORD DOCUMENT WITH ANOTHER EDITOR, so copy and paste then edit it

Nowadays, you can download free pieces of software from the Internet at waste and some of those pieces allow you to stop having to waste your life with the MS bugs.

You will find one that will finally edit your MS Word document and allow you to delete the page with no further dramas. We have just gone through the WONDER, so that the result is, indeed, guaranteed. 

After you delete the page, just save the document in the original format and come back to Word for the final touches.


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