Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Latex and Figures: Ever Had Trouble?

If you did, here is a couple of hints: Converting to .eps makes it all easier. To do this, you may use an online interface, which is free to use: ALL to EPS

This website brings information about the different picture formats. For instance, it explains that .jpg means Joint Photographic Experts Group. 

You can write the name of the file plus its extension inside of the curled brackets with no loss, so do it, since that will make your code clearer.

You are definitely going to need to include at least one line in your preamble: \usepackage{graphicx}

What I am recommending is the Incredible Hulk Solution, like it seems that if you do things in this way, you will have the least amount of chance of having problems, that is, of not having your picture displayed on your .pdf (Portable Document Format) in the end.

The code to be used inside of the file, between the \begin{document} and the \end{document} is:

  \caption{Maple Plot}\label{U}

The [h!] is to guarantee that the picture will appear where you have placed the just-mentioned lines. The 350pt is a reasonable choice and you can play with that as much as you like via trial and error. graphs.eps was the name of my picture after I converted it from .jpg to .eps (Encapsulated Postscript). The caption, you know, is what you want printed soon after the graph, and the label thing is to allow you to mention this graph in the future, inside of the text, without much hassle. We then used the command \ref{U} in our case. 

If you got a picture that is in a horizontal position but you need it to be in the vertical position, you can try to adjust the angle of display by typing things in this way: 

  \includegraphics[width=350pt, angle=90]{graphs.eps}\\
  \caption{Maple Plot}\label{U}

Then you play with that 90 degrees as you need. 


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Thursday, 5 November 2015

Linkedin and Job Search: The Finest Hints

I have recently found this video and I have never watched anything more impressive: The amount of information delivered by this woman is really unbelievable. 

Here a video you will not regret watching if you are really wanting to optimize your use of this wonderful and so modern tool, Linkedin. 

The video brings some propaganda of the company that has built it but you can easily ignore that and simply get the information, which is really important and looks very reliable.

Super Video


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