Thursday, 25 August 2016

Suppressing Page Numbers: MS Word

Basically, go to the page that precedes the page whose number you intend to suppress, choose the tab that says Page Layout, position your cursor in the end of the text of the page that precedes the page you want to change, make sure you are not inside of the footer, put the cursor over Breaks and, as it expands, choose Next. Only that action should already solve your problem. If if doesn't, then you will probably succeed after watching this video: Video


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Saturday, 13 August 2016

Formula that Escapes the Intended Margins

Latex is a very flexible tool: You can actually reduce the size of an entire formula in the middle of your paper quite easily. Most of us get into trouble with that because we forget that the commands to do that do not work in Math Mode: we have to place them before the double or single dollar sign at the beginning of our formula and after the double or single dollar sign in the end. 

We have several options available:


All we have to do is adding a {\ together with the option we want, so say {\small in front of our formula and } in the end of it (after the dollar signs in the end and before those in the beginning). 


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