Friday, 23 September 2016

Windows 10: Updates, Turn Off, How

These guys rock: Solution to Updating

Yet another solution involves unrestraining your Windows\SysWoW64 and your Windows\System32.

The instructions on the link allow you to stop the disgraceful, and possibly harmful, definitely harmful in my case (had to reinstall the system several times for receiving bugs together with the updates), updates forever. Yes, we have beaten the MS bastards (I chatted with them and they told me that it was impossible to turn off the option updates. I know, I know what you will say: At least it is free to ask questions to MS. Yes, with that, we have to agree: It would definitely be worse if we had to pay for it)!


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Wednesday, 21 September 2016

MS Windows 10 and Updates

I just had to address a problem that happened to a MS client: They wanted to get rid of MS updates because they deeply believed that those were bringing problems to their computer systems each, and every, time. That is when I contacted MS and they let me know that we cannot turn off updates in this version (MS Windows 10).

Well, MS was prosecuted in the past for issues like this and it looks like we need to do that again: Australia has privacy laws in place. Our computers are ours, so that who has to decide on whether we get something or not is us, not them. I think they are once more working inside of illegality and this person has deep beliefs that they might even be being targeted by a certain class of people working at MS at this stage, given the so many problems that come associated with their updates, repeated instances. 

Whoever has the time, not sure about bucks, but it always ends up in the press, so that it must be at least good publicity, especially if it is an IT company that does that, please do it in the name of all of us, mortals. 


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From .JPG to .PDF

The best place ever: Free and perfect!


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Saturday, 10 September 2016

Can`t Run Chkdsk

I called MS and all on this one, so listen to me: Don`t call them. They will even ask to enter your computer but things are realistically quite simple if your problem is the same that I had: I was at the DOS terminal and I typed the standard thing, so that I typed chkdsk/f/r. I got a mistake. I saw NFTS on my screen and the computer saying that it could not run the command because it was locked. I then did not get the standard message, where we have an option to choose to run the command on reboot and that is when I got worried. 

MS will tell you to do the unimaginable. Don`t try them if that is your problem. Simply realize that you are in the wrong drive. In my case, all I had to do was literally typing C: and repeating the command, believe it or not. 

At that height, the MS guy had already convinced me to even format a USB with the NFTS option, believe it or not. 


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Windows 10 and Boot Issues

If your computer is freezing at the boot and you are not succeeding in going beyond the troubleshooting screen, like you have tried all options there and nothing works, you can try the freezers page here, and all those strategies, including chkdsk, and, if that still doesn't work, you will probably need to reinstall Windows 10. The good news is that MS became smarter on this version, as if it had been my suggestion, and you now do not need to format your disk again. The bad news is that you may end up losing all your files and programs for simply forgetting to unplug your USB after it is reinstalled. I have just done that! Poor me!

To make a USB that you can use for that purpose, you go to the own MS, and get a program called Media Creation Tool: Media Creation

You will need a blank USB disk of at least 4 Gb. It will probably take you 30 minutes after you have downloaded and installed the tool to get the USB ready for action.


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