Thursday, 16 November 2017

Difficulties with Making a Poster?

I was here cracking my head for trying to find out how to use MS Office and still make a good poster. Guess what? IT is the solution! Free templates... See:





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Sunday, 5 November 2017

Latex, Here, I Want My Figure Right Here!

You want to place your figure right after the title but you are getting text there even though the figure appears before the text in your Latex code: That is when you need this. 



\caption{Write some caption here}\label{visina8}


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Caption of Figures, Latex: Making them Smaller

Sometimes you got everything right in terms of pictures and Latex but you would like to see the sigmatoid Picture a bit smaller in your .pdf. Here you have the how (Caption):


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Figures, Latex: Side by Side

It is easy if you just copy and paste (source)

\captionof{figure}{A figure}
\captionof{figure}{Another figure}

Thursday, 2 November 2017

NETGEAR: Number of Devices x Wi-Fi

In case you want to limit the number of devices connecting to your Wi-Fi: 



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